Friday, November 9, 2012

國企改革無時間表 State Firms, and Their Monopolies, Pose Test for China's New Leaders


KEITH BRADSHER 報道 2012年11月10日












前國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)及高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)經濟學家、北京私募股權公司春華資本(Primavera Capital)創始人、董事長鬍祖六(Fred Hu)指出,"如無根本性變革,這個國家的經濟前景將逐漸暗淡,步入發達經濟體行列的機會將減少。只有大膽改革才能完全釋放這個國家的潛能和創業能量,推動中國進入第一世界國家的行列。" 




"很難進行改革,"哈佛大學(Harvard University)教授、國外知名當代中國專家羅德里克·麥克法考爾(Roderick MacFarquhar)同意這一觀點。"長期以來,他們都保持低調,除此之外,他們不知道該怎麼做。"

新的領導班子與上一屆一樣,都與國企有着千絲萬縷的關係。有望成為下一任總理的李克強,其弟是國家煙草專賣局四名副局長之一。華盛頓布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)在10月底發佈的報告顯示,這家國有煙草管理機構佔據中國煙草市場98%的份額,產生的利稅在中央政府財政總收入佔7%至10%。











State Firms, and Their Monopolies, Pose Test for China's New Leaders

BEIJING — Wealthy Chinese carry up to three smart phones, one for each of the three state-owned mobile phone service providers, in the hope that at least one will have enough network capacity to provide reliable e-mail service. Most Chinese factories have heavily polluting diesel generators to cope with blackouts of up to three days a week, because state-owned electricity companies have not added capacity fast enough to meet demand.

Meanwhile, Chinese investors have poured over $1 trillion in the last several years into loosely regulated trusts to bypass ultra-low deposit rates offered by state-owned banks. The banks cannot readily afford to pay more because they need fat margins to cover losses on loans to politically connected borrowers.

For all the talk in recent years about the extent to which China has embraced capitalism, huge sectors of the economy still have not fully done so: those dominated by the country's 145,000 state-owned enterprises.

With China's top officials all in Beijing for the 18th Party Congress intended to put its seal of approval on the country's next generation of leaders, one of the toughest issues on their agenda lies in how to overhaul this sprawling empire.

Almost no one has much good to say about state-owned enterprises these days — not even the people who run them. Wang Yong, the director of the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which manages those belonging to the central government, chastised them publicly in a report to China's legislature on Oct. 24.

"More efforts will be made to reform the power, telecommunications, oil and petrochemical industries," Mr. Wang said. "Market entry into these sectors will be expanded based on the development of these industries." But whether those efforts will amount to more than window dressing depends on the willingness of the next Chinese leadership team to challenge the politically connected families who often run state-owned enterprises. And given the lavish opportunities these enterprises provide for insider corruption and self-dealing, that remains very much an open question.

On Thursday, at the opening of the party congress, outgoing President Hu Jintao seemed to be suggesting placing some limits on state-owned enterprises and creating more of a level playing field for private companies that try to compete against them. But two political advisers to the incoming leadership, with a deep knowledge of the factional rivalries in the Communist Party, expressed strong skepticism that most state-owned enterprises have much to fear.

The national government as well as provincial and local governments are financially dependent on the profits of such enterprises and are reluctant to give them up, they said. At the same time, the state enterprises provide political patronage for factions of the Communist Party and lower-level cadres, whose ongoing support is crucial to the government.

State-owned enterprises are also very important as providers of blue-collar jobs and as the operators of about 8,000 schools, hospitals and community centers for their current and former employees and their families.

Companies in which the state owns at least a majority represent 35 percent of all business activity in China, according to official figures. Yet they earned 43 percent of profits last year in China. Their hammerlock on a long list of strategic industries has allowed them to charge relatively high prices for their goods and services even as they borrow at artificially low interest rates from state-owned banks.

To be sure, the pressure for change is building. Factional struggles ahead of the Party Congress have opened the way for a national debate over state-owned enterprises. A wide range of economists say further liberalization of the portions of the economy still dominated by the state is essential to long-term growth.

"Without fundamental reforms the country's economic prospect will dim with a diminished chance to leap into the ranks of developed economies," said Fred Hu, a former economist at the International Monetary Fund and Goldman Sachs who is now the founder and chairman of Primavera Capital, a large private equity fund based in Beijing. "Only bold reforms could fully unleash the country's enormous potential and entrepreneurial energy and propel China into the first world."

Public support for economic reform makes it impossible for the incoming team simply to do nothing, said one of the two political advisers, both of whom insisted on anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue within China. But the new team may limit its actions to the privatization of some state-owned manufacturers, like steel mills, which do not have monopolies and are frequently in sectors with overcapacity, ferocious competition and heavy financial losses.

A few top executives in the auto industry have also begun calling for a limit on further investments in that sector, which also faces severe overcapacity. The government has also been doing considerably more detailed audits of state-owned enterprises this year, seeking signs of fraud or corruption.

But the broader network of state-owned enterprises in the service sector, from telecommunications and banking to health care and electricity distribution, is likely to remain "virtually unchanged" for the next few years, the political adviser said.

"It's going to be very difficult to do," agreed Roderick MacFarquhar, a Harvard professor who is one of the best-known experts on contemporary China from outside the country. "They've kept a very low profile for so long, they don't know how to do anything else."

The new leadership has just as many ties to state-owned enterprises as the old. The brother of Li Keqiang, who is expected to become the next prime minister, is one of four deputy directors of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration. With 98 percent of the Chinese market for cigarettes, the state-owned tobacco administration generates taxes and profits that total 7 to 10 percent of the entire revenues of the central government, according to a report in late October from the Brookings Institution in Washington.

 China has a growing anti-smoking movement, but it has little support from the government. The Brookings report said that a "change in mindset on the part of the leadership, especially the highly misleading and one-sided perception of tobacco as a 'cash cow' and major contributor to the Chinese economy, is a prerequisite for policy change."

The tobacco administration declined to comment, and declined to make Mr. Li's brother, Li Keming, available for an interview.

For all the pessimism about far-reaching reform, there is still considerable discussion of possible ways that state-owned enterprises might be changed if the new leadership decides to tackle the thorny political issues involved.

One of the most influential proposals within the Chinese leadership in the past few months is from Chen Qingtai, the deputy director of the Chinese cabinet's Development Research Center. Mr. Chen's paper calls for the government to become essentially an investor in state-owned enterprises, instead of actively managing them and selecting the management teams for each enterprise.

While useful in the past in advancing big projects like the Three Gorges Dam, Mr. Chen suggested in his paper, the government should now move more aggressively to sell off its ownership in sectors like steel that face overcapacity, redeploying that capital to emerging industries. He called for the state to hire more professional financial administrators to manage this process.

Mr. Hu seemed to endorse this stance on Thursday, saying that, "we should separate government administration from the management of enterprises, state assets, public institutions and social organizations."

But there is little sign of a consensus yet.

"I think there are definitely different schools of thought" inside the government, said a manager at a company looking closely at acquiring possible stakes in state-owned enterprises if they are privatized. "What they actually choose to do will also depend on the courage of the new leadership."

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